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ESP8266 SoftAP keeps going on and off

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:07 pm
by idir93
Hello guys,
I am pretty new to ESP8266, So I am trying to create a soft ap using the Arduino core.
ESP8266 is powered using the 3.3v and GND of STM32. I am using an FTDI for communication.
I load an example program for creating a Soft AP, loading is successful on Auduino IDE, it creates the AP and then a second later the AP disappears. It keeps coming on and off!
I suspected a power issue, but then I used a regulator and capacitor, same thing!
I used a scope to detect any sudden voltage drops but nothing, voltage is 3.25v acroos VCC and GND of ESP8266. I tried esp module same result!
Note that When I was using AT commands, everything was perfect!
Here is the code.
Code: Select all#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

IPAddress local_IP(192,168,4,22);
IPAddress gateway(192,168,4,9);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);

void setup()

  Serial.print("Setting soft-AP configuration ... ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.softAPConfig(local_IP, gateway, subnet) ? "Ready" : "Failed!");

  Serial.print("Setting soft-AP ... ");
  Serial.println(WiFi.softAP("ESPsoftAP_01") ? "Ready" : "Failed!");

  Serial.print("Soft-AP IP address = ");

void loop() {}