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By Zachrey
#72955 I am trying to get the ESP8266 (ESP-01 board) to talk to an Arduino UNO. Fresh out of the box, an ESP-01 has a baud rate of 115200. But when you set the UNO to 115200 and have it send "AT" commands from the UNO code, and have the UNO code relay the responses from the ESP to the Serial Monitor, the simple stuff like "AT" comes back with "AT OK" no problem. But when the UNO sends "AT+RST" to the ESP, it comes back mostly legible but with some garbage. "AT+CWJAP", of course, is hopeless.

So I put the ESP on D0, D1 USB Rx Tx lines and grounded reset on the UNO and then typed AT in the "Send" box of serial monitor (at 115200), it comes back with:
and the reset command works great!
And then a whole bunch of interesting info and a little bit of gibberish and then "AI Thinker...."
Then I issued

And it came back with "OK". Then I restarted the ESP and that was the end of that! I can no longer communicate with it? What did I do wrong and is there any way to bring it back? What is flow control? Should I have used a different number for the last parameter?