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By renegade
#73745 Pablo I think I prefer the look of the FSBrowser, less of a jump for me.

Can somebody help me try to merge WiFiManager library with the FSLibrary so the html is served through FSBrowser instead of in memory? I'll be trying in a bit, but if some one knows this is easy, itd take you 10 minutes and me an hour, would be very much appreciated.
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By rudy
renegade wrote:Hi Rudy, ahhh! This may be the problem. How would you advise doing them one at a time? I have the html, 2 css files and a js.

A guess that would likely result in 3 browser requests in very quick succession. I will also need to somehow mash the WiFiManager together with this FSBrowser library by the looks of things. Sound right?

I'm not sure what the current connection limit is. I read it was four or five depending, and recently I think it might have been pushed to eight but I'm definitely not sure of that.

It helps to combine files if you can. If you have multiple js files then combine them into one.

If you do have multiple files that can't be combined, like jpg files, then having some javascript code that blocks the browser from requesting a new file until the currently requested files have been loaded.