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By ekt
#74967 I'm trying to understand if the fact that having a non conventional crystal frequency might be a problem with firmwares built via and flashed with PyFlasher

my (limited) understanding is that there is register which has to be set to 0 for 40MHz, or 1 for 26MHz crystals.

the esp8266 library in the arduino ide has a settings (core_esp8266_phy.c, phy_init_data[48])
the espressif flash download tool has a setting too (and a way to auto detect it also)
but I could not find an equivalent option in the cloud build, nor a setting in PyFlasher or
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By ekt
#74986 answering myself in hope it helps someone else
as far as I can tell, either PyFlasher or does not support setting the crystal frequency. they all assume it has been correctly set in the firmware. the cloud build does not have a way to specify it.

so, the best I came up was the following script (I'm on windows)

Code: Select --port com9 erase_flash --port com9 write_flash -fm dio 0x00000 nodemcu-firmware-20180328.bin
del rfblock.bin --port com9 read_flash 0x3FC000 128 rfblock.bin rfblock.bin 0x30 0 --port com9 write_flash 0x3FC000 rfblock.bin