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By Sushant Naik
#75773 Hi this is sushant,
i wish to know how to put ESP8266 in Light sleep mode, using arduino.
i have figured out how to add deepsleep using

But i cant find light sleep or even modem sleep, i need RTC to be running i cant shut down completely.
any help would be appreciated.
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By McChubby007
Sushant Naik wrote:Hi this is sushant,
i wish to know how to put ESP8266 in Light sleep mode, using arduino.
i have figured out how to add deepsleep using

But i cant find light sleep or even modem sleep, i need RTC to be running i cant shut down completely.
any help would be appreciated.

First, what do you mean "using arduino"? If you mean using the arduino IDE then say so, otherwise do you mean using an arduino board to control esp8266 light sleep; that makes little sense. If you do mean using the arduino IDE what you are really saying is 'using the arduino esp8266 core', since it can be used in any ide or even without an ide. Not using the 'arduino esp8266 core' generally means you are using the one of the espressif build configs such as 'OS sdk' or 'non-OS sdk'. To me, it is important to get terms correct otherwise it all gets confused, especially for newbies reading these posts when terms are mis-used.

Second, when someone refers to someone else's blog, post, etc., with a question, I always ask 'why not ask the original blog author on their site' since not only are they familiar with what they wrote but it may improve their posting.
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By Sushant Naik
McChubby007 wrote:
Sushant Naik wrote:Hi this is sushant,
i wish to know how to put ESP8266 in Light sleep mode, using arduino.
i have figured out how to add deepsleep using

But i cant find light sleep or even modem sleep, i need RTC to be running i cant shut down completely.
any help would be appreciated.

First, what do you mean "using arduino"? If you mean using the arduino IDE then say so, otherwise do you mean using an arduino board to control esp8266 light sleep; that makes little sense. If you do mean using the arduino IDE what you are really saying is 'using the arduino esp8266 core', since it can be used in any ide or even without an ide. Not using the 'arduino esp8266 core' generally means you are using the one of the espressif build configs such as 'OS sdk' or 'non-OS sdk'. To me, it is important to get terms correct otherwise it all gets confused, especially for newbies reading these posts when terms are mis-used.

Thank You for reply.
Sorry for inconvenience, i will clear it.
i am using ARDUINO IDE, with arduino esp8266 core 2.4.1, on esp8266 dev kit.
No i am not using esp idf. i am not yet familiar with it.

McChubby007 wrote:Second, when someone refers to someone else's blog, post, etc., with a question, I always ask 'why not ask the original blog author on their site' since not only are they familiar with what they wrote but it may improve their posting.

I will keep this in Mind. my excuse is naive, generally it requires login in one's blog and sometime u get spam mails. Its Easy to get help from Forums. there is chances you might get different idea or opinion or solution.