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By Alex Makarevich
#75828 Hello!
I'm trying to read mhz19 co2 sensor data using ESP12F with micropython.

My pins are connected as following:
Vin --> Vin
Tx --> Rx
Rx --> Tx

Console hangs directly after connecting (screen /dev/cu.wchusbserial14340 115200) giving following output:

��'�ng�l��d�l��l$������d�g����cll�;x���cl�#{$s$s�'�����g����c��$�d���cl���<cd`��lg�p;l�l��|��{�#4 ets_task(40100130, 3, 3fff837c, 4)
OSError: [Errno 2] ENOENT

MicroPython v1.9.3-8-g63826ac5c on 2017-11-01; ESP module with ESP8266
Type "help()" for more information.
Firmware without mhz19 sensor works well. What's the problem with the port?