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Struggling a bit

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 5:02 pm
by Rtwo
Hi guys

I'm probably a bit out of my depth here with my present project but it's driving me crazy so I will get to the bottom of it.
I need to configure a piece of kit at work over a wired serial port, I could do with not having to stand over it as it's in a busy walkway.
Anyway I thought one of these would be ideal to enable me to do it from a short distance away over wifi with esp-link

I duly plugged it into a usb port on my windows box and looked at some tutorials to get it going
I seem to have it responding etc. I can connect to it over wifi ok and can ping it at etc.

I just can't open port 23 over telnet on it so can't communicate over it

Any ideas

This is the debug log after boot

123> ** esp-link v3.2.47-g9c6530d
123> Flash config restore ok
123> CONN led=0
123> SER led=2
124> Wifi init, mode=AP
124> Wifi uses DHCP, hostname=esp-link
124> "ip": ""
124> "netmask": ""
124> "gateway": ""
124> "hostname": "<null>"
124> sleep enable,type: 2
125> Httpd init, conn=0x3fff4128
125> No user file system found!
125> Serbridge pins: reset=1 isp=3 tx_enable=-1 swap=1
126> Reset cause: 4=restart
126> exccause=0 epc1=0x0 epc2=0x0 epc3=0x0 excvaddr=0x0 depc=0x0
126> Flash map 512KB:256/256, manuf 0xE0 chip 0x4016
126> ** esp-link v3.2.47-g9c6530d: ready, heap=18960
127> SNTP timesource set to us.pool.ntp.org with offset 0
127> initializing user application
127> Waiting for work to do...
127> mode : softAP(1a:fe:34:f2:89:ef)
128> add if1
128> dhcp server start:(ip:,mask:,gw:
130> bcn 100
7471> add 1
7471> aid 1
7471> station: e8:2a:ea:5a:d8:90 join, AID = 1
7472> Wifi AP: station e8:2a:ea:5a:d8:90 joined, AID = 1
