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By davecason
#84084 HI Gang,

I've got a WeMos ESP8266 running on my hot tub with two DS18b20 temperature probes.
One is for the air temp and the other one is on the hot tub itself for the water temp.
Both probes are happy and working well.

My problem is the rule I have in place to tell me if the water temperature drops below 97 deg, in that it's not triggering an email notification properly, here is what I have in: Rules Set 1

Box#Temp do
if [Box#Temp]<97
notify,1,"Box temperature is [Box#Temp]°F!"

Also, when I hit the test button in the notification setup area under Nr 1 that's ENABLED in the Notification tab the test message comes through just fine in my email inbox - so the mail server setup is correct .... so it's not that!

But I'm not sure if my rule is wrong or somethings not set right. I'm kinda lost ! Any suggestions? :D
