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By Tertius21
#87201 I use the Arduino IDE 1.8.10 and the esp8266 core 2.7.1
ESP-12 (Wemos-D1 for testing) with SD Card Module

I am not a expert to arduino programming.

Currently my scetcch can this:
List Files from the SD Card on a webpage and show Filename and Filesize. Working.
Download selected File. Working.
Delete selected File. Working.

My Goal:
Upload a File over http to SD Card with Timestamp from the original File.
A simple Upload is working. But the Timestamp is every time 1.1.2020 01:00

Currently i use the SD.h library.

Now i know the sd.h can not set a timestamp.
Currently i try to use the SdFs.h library. This library can set the Timestamp.

But if i add #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> to an example like DiretoryFunctions then i get a compiler error:

if (!"File2.txt", O_CREAT | O_WRITE)) {
exit status 1
'class fs::File' has no member named 'open'

How can i solve this?

I have tried SdFat before SdFs, but it doesn't works also with ESP8266WiFi.h included.

Any suggestions how i can realize my goal?

Many thanks for help :)

Sorry for my bad english