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Remote controll failsafe

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2020 6:26 pm
by Ptareco1

I'm trying to create a RC car using a NodeMCU Lilin v3. Right now I've been able to implement it using the web server functionality. I'm even using a DDNS server (DuckDNS) to be ble to access it remotely from the internet through a cellular network provided by a Cellular Router (that creates a WiFi hotspot).
Typically I use a mobile phone to access the NodeMCU Web server.
But when for some reason the phone looses the connectivity, I would like to make the NodeMCU aware of this so it would stop the RC Car.
Something like a failsafe mechanism.
I've tried to implement the Ping functionality but it wont go through the Cellular network public IP.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance