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SCRAM authentication from client ESP8266

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 9:05 am
by Dean Adams
Hello fellow ESP8266 users. I'm relatively new to the ESP8266, but during lockdown, have recently used the Arduino IDE to produce some IoT style applications for use on my boat (gas and water detectors, automatic anchor chain deployment measurements and controls, automatic foghorn, etc.). These all seem to be working great and controllable from my mobile phone. However I would like to have the gas and water detector connect to my on-board huwaei B315-22s router to send SMS alerts. I've found code at:
for the Raspberry Pi that uses the router API to do this and have successfully run this on my Pi3.

However this code uses libcurl and openssl functions to construct the necessary SCRAM authentication exchanges and am unable to port it to the Arduino IDE for ESP8266.

I wonder if anyone out there might know how to achieve the same result using something like the http.client functions. I think I have already found substitute ESP8266 functions for the openssl SHA256 functions and the time functions. However the curl elements are really confusing me at the moment.

Appreciate any help - hopefully with code snippets, that anyone can provide. I used to program extensively in C in the 1980s and early 90s at the outset of UNIX and the internet, designing image processing systems, embedded code for use in the space arena etc., but am recently resurrecting those very old skills, so please be patient with me.

Many Thanks
Dean Adams