What I want to do is to hack into the camera's WiFi with an ESP8266, i.e. have it masquerade as the phone app, but I'm utterly clueless about where to start.
There is obviously nothing sacred about the WiFi per se. I can see it in the phone's settings but that is about as far as I can get. The camera can establish connection using a QR diagram on its screen, which I understand has the network name and password. I have read it but it looks like gobblydegook and it is pretty clear that Olympus is going to resist me all the way.
I don't expect any joy from the phone app. It won't do anything until it is connect to a "registered camera".
I am in the process of making an intervalometer using a ProMini and a DS3231, with cable-connect to the camera. It already has an ESP-01 but this is only used to check the RTC against the Internet during Setup, and I would rather it was better employed, and particularly as Olympus use some weirdo multi-purpose connector.
I hope somebody has already been down this road.....