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By JeffT
wonderfulm3 wrote:I have multiple projects using the ESP8266 for aquaponics and real time sensor data capture with uploading. I'd love to upload my schematics and some tutorials to share with the rest of the community.


The reason I've been getting involved with the esp8266 is to monitor an aquaponics sstem. I don't want to reinvent the wheel - so I have to say I for one would bec very glad to hear what you've done and see some code and possibly photos!

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By bovie
#15062 Hey Richard (@admin since this might send you a ping)! I'm Evan Bovie, a student in the USC Iovine–Young Academy. Normally I'd PM you, but I don't have permissions yet.

I'm looking to overhaul the wiki with a cleaner design and also clean up the URLs (no more doku.php?id=) for better SEO. This would require me to have some higher level access, and you probably would want to talk with me first. PM me and I'll send you my email or phone number.
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By rvbcrs
danbicks wrote:Hi Richard and Igrr,

Just wanted to say you guys are amazing.. I spent today, downloaded the ESP arduino IDE, hacked a few library's that I have and in front of me have an ESP8266-01 driving an OLED connected to the internet.

Absolutely flawless.

Amazing work, this is probably the wrong forum just needed to say massive thanks.



PS: How accurate is the compiled code percentage. Still cannot believe this little fella allows 512k of program code OMG

Hi Dans, I'm looking into driving a OLED screen also! Could you please post your code somewhere?

