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By RichardS
#5183 I have added a section for wonderfulm3 for his projects/work....

Anyone else wants an area for their projects is welcome also, let me know if your not a registered WIKI user.... (by invite)

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By gbalog
#6020 Hi,

I wish you also a happy new year. We are a small water well drilling company. In the past I was a programmer 25+ years, but now since 10 years I don't programm anymore.
We are now building a hydraulic Well drilling rig, it should controlled over a wireless connection, "drill by wire" So I got involved with the ESP8266 and arduino. Now I am working on a better version from, because that is not usable. I am thinking also about some another projects, like garden irrigation system controlled over WIFI.

Happy new year: Georg Balog from Hungary
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By Silverpil
wonderfulm3 wrote:I have multiple projects using the ESP8266 for aquaponics and real time sensor data capture with uploading. I'd love to upload my schematics and some tutorials to share with the rest of the community.

Hi everyone! I am new to this forum and can't wait to learn more about how to implement the ESP8266 in my arduino projects. Like Wonderfulm3 I am also interested in aquatic applications and would really appreciate if any schematics and tutorials could be uploaded to the Wiki.

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By danbicks
#13512 Hi Richard and Igrr,

Just wanted to say you guys are amazing.. I spent today, downloaded the ESP arduino IDE, hacked a few library's that I have and in front of me have an ESP8266-01 driving an OLED connected to the internet.

Absolutely flawless.

Amazing work, this is probably the wrong forum just needed to say massive thanks.



PS: How accurate is the compiled code percentage. Still cannot believe this little fella allows 512k of program code OMG