Voting starts at March 15th 11:59PM GMT-5
Please vote for your top 3 favorite ESP8266 Designs
All votes are hidden until end of voting period.
Each user can vote for 3 entries each.
Select 3 entries and press SUBMIT VOTE button.
You can change your vote while voting is in progress.
Voting is for Registered Users, if you are registered before 2/29/2016 you can vote right away, if you registered after 2/29/2016 then you need to have 3 moderated posts to the community. I suggest that you view all the entries and ask questions to your top 3 picks in the corresponding topic, this would be an excellent way to get those 3 moderated posts!
Entries are here viewforum.php?f=152
Voting is here viewtopic.php?f=50&t=8832
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