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i2c sensor woes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 6:49 am
by eriksl
It seems the real-world behaviour of i2c-sensors does not necessarily always follow what's described in the data sheets. I've been struggling with some of them. It looks like others did too (as seen from workaround code).

Let's share our experiences.

Re: i2c sensor woes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:19 am
by eriksl
First one: ccs118 gives max value continuously after a few days on. I have it running in "continuous" mode and there are no errors. After a reset, the readings go back to normal.

I am not using the baseline save or temperature/humidity correction, because both temperature and humidity are quite constant here.

Re: i2c sensor woes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:24 am
by eriksl
Second: BME680, air quality. Choice between closed source library and basic, ugly code open source library.

I never used the closed source library, it may work, who knows. The open source library is ugly (seems to be created by someone with only experience in Python or Basic) and does not work that well. The readings vary with the period the sensor is queried. The shorter the period, the worse air quality. Seems like the sensor gets warmed up for a measurement, but it doesn't take into account it had already warmed up from the previous query. Also I can't get any correlation with the readings of the ccs118.

Re: i2c sensor woes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:26 am
by eriksl
Third: apds9930 and apds9960. Work quite alright up to about 4.5 kLux but above give wrong values (instead of an "overflow" error). I had to cap them in the my code.