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Re: gcc10

PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:22 pm
by davydnorris
eriksl wrote:
Oh and one last thing - you will need to have a look at my instructions and strip the symbols defined in ROM from both libgcc and libc, otherwise the compiler will use the library based ones

export PATH=$(TOOLCHAIN)/bin:${PATH}
cd $(TOOLCHAIN)/lib/gcc/xtensa-lx106-elf/<version>
xtensa-lx106-elf-ar -M < strip_libc_funcs.txt
xtensa-lx106-elf-ar -M < strip_libgcc_funcs.txt

I actually never have done this. I assume it will save some disk space, but I don't think it's a requirement for succesful operation.

I think these lines in my load script already force the linker to use the rom based versions. I assume everybody does it, as it's also in the Espressif "eagle" linker scripts (included).

Code: Select all...
PROVIDE ( ets_memcpy = 0x400018b4 );
PROVIDE ( memcpy = 0x4000df48 );

Also gcc will mostly not even generate a call for memcpy (and some similar) functions, because it inserts small replacement code by itself (unless you specifically turn off that feature).

Not sure if things have changed but using the esp-open-sdk build I got a large increase in code and stack usage, and tracked it down to the compiler using software versions of the low and higher level functions instead of the ROM based versions. There appeared to be a whole bunch of them left out of the explicit definitions in the linker. Things may have changed now though

Re: gcc10

PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:29 pm
by davydnorris
Just had a look at your repo and the local patches dir - how are you getting the local patches for gcc 10 to be applied or don't you need them any more?

I found I had to copy the directory and rename it to the version of newlib/compiler for the patches to be found and applied - perhaps that's not needed any more?

Re: gcc10

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:38 am
by eriksl
davydnorris wrote:Not sure if things have changed but using the esp-open-sdk build I got a large increase in code and stack usage, and tracked it down to the compiler using software versions of the low and higher level functions instead of the ROM based versions. There appeared to be a whole bunch of them left out of the explicit definitions in the linker. Things may have changed now though

I have collected all (known) functions in ROM and added them to the linker file (if not yet there from Espressif). Also my images are already very large (just under 500 k), so for me it's less important, only if it's in IRAM context. Thanks for the tip though and I will check this.

Code: Select allPROVIDE ( Cache_Read_Disable = 0x400047f0 );
PROVIDE ( Cache_Read_Enable = 0x40004678 );
PROVIDE ( FilePacketSendReqMsgProc = 0x400035a0 );
PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdParamCfgMsgProc = 0x4000368c );
PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdStartMsgProc = 0x40003538 );
PROVIDE ( FlashDwnLdStopReqMsgProc = 0x40003658 );
PROVIDE ( GetUartDevice = 0x40003f4c );
PROVIDE ( MD5Final = 0x40009900 );
PROVIDE ( MD5Init = 0x40009818 );
PROVIDE ( MD5Update = 0x40009834 );
PROVIDE ( MemDwnLdStartMsgProc = 0x400036c4 );
PROVIDE ( MemDwnLdStopReqMsgProc = 0x4000377c );
PROVIDE ( MemPacketSendReqMsgProc = 0x400036f0 );
PROVIDE ( RcvMsg = 0x40003eac );
PROVIDE ( SHA1Final = 0x4000b648 );
PROVIDE ( SHA1Init = 0x4000b584 );
PROVIDE ( SHA1Transform = 0x4000a364 );
PROVIDE ( SHA1Update = 0x4000b5a8 );
PROVIDE ( SPI_read_status = 0x400043c8 );
PROVIDE ( SPI_write_status = 0x40004400 );
PROVIDE ( SPI_write_enable = 0x4000443c );
PROVIDE ( Wait_SPI_Idle = 0x4000448c );
PROVIDE ( Enable_QMode = 0x400044c0 );
PROVIDE ( SPIEraseArea = 0x40004b44 );
PROVIDE ( SPIEraseBlock = 0x400049b4 );
PROVIDE ( SPIEraseChip = 0x40004984 );
PROVIDE ( SPIEraseSector = 0x40004a00 );
PROVIDE ( SPILock = 0x400048a8 );
PROVIDE ( SPIParamCfg = 0x40004c2c );
PROVIDE ( SPIRead = 0x40004b1c );
PROVIDE ( SPIReadModeCnfig = 0x400048ec );
PROVIDE ( SPIUnlock = 0x40004878 );
PROVIDE ( SPIWrite = 0x40004a4c );
PROVIDE ( SelectSpiFunction = 0x40003f58 );
PROVIDE ( SendMsg = 0x40003cf4 );
PROVIDE ( UartConnCheck = 0x40003230 );
PROVIDE ( UartConnectProc = 0x400037a0 );
PROVIDE ( UartDwnLdProc = 0x40003368 );
PROVIDE ( UartGetCmdLn = 0x40003ef4 );
PROVIDE ( UartRegReadProc = 0x4000381c );
PROVIDE ( UartRegWriteProc = 0x400037ac );
PROVIDE ( UartRxString = 0x40003c30 );
PROVIDE ( Uart_Init = 0x40003a14 );
PROVIDE ( _DebugExceptionVector = 0x40000010 );
PROVIDE ( _DoubleExceptionVector = 0x40000070 );
PROVIDE ( _KernelExceptionVector = 0x40000030 );
PROVIDE ( _NMIExceptionVector = 0x40000020 );
PROVIDE ( _ResetHandler = 0x400000a4 );
PROVIDE ( _ResetVector = 0x40000080 );
PROVIDE ( _UserExceptionVector = 0x40000050 );
PROVIDE ( __adddf3 = 0x4000c538 );
PROVIDE ( __addsf3 = 0x4000c180 );
PROVIDE ( __divdf3 = 0x4000cb94 );
PROVIDE ( __divdi3 = 0x4000ce60 );
PROVIDE ( __divsi3 = 0x4000dc88 );
PROVIDE ( __extendsfdf2 = 0x4000cdfc );
PROVIDE ( __fixdfsi = 0x4000ccb8 );
PROVIDE ( __fixunsdfsi = 0x4000cd00 );
PROVIDE ( __fixunssfsi = 0x4000c4c4 );
PROVIDE ( __floatsidf = 0x4000e2f0 );
PROVIDE ( __floatsisf = 0x4000e2ac );
PROVIDE ( __floatunsidf = 0x4000e2e8 );
PROVIDE ( __floatunsisf = 0x4000e2a4 );
PROVIDE ( __muldf3 = 0x4000c8f0 );
PROVIDE ( __muldi3 = 0x40000650 );
PROVIDE ( __mulsf3 = 0x4000c3dc );
PROVIDE ( __subdf3 = 0x4000c688 );
PROVIDE ( __subsf3 = 0x4000c268 );
PROVIDE ( __truncdfsf2 = 0x4000cd5c );
PROVIDE ( __udivdi3 = 0x4000d310 );
PROVIDE ( __udivsi3 = 0x4000e21c );
PROVIDE ( __umoddi3 = 0x4000d770 );
PROVIDE ( __umodsi3 = 0x4000e268 );
PROVIDE ( __umulsidi3 = 0x4000dcf0 );
PROVIDE ( _rom_store = 0x4000e388 );
PROVIDE ( _rom_store_table = 0x4000e328 );
PROVIDE ( _start = 0x4000042c );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_alloca_handler = 0x4000dbe0 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_c_wrapper_handler = 0x40000598 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_cause3_handler = 0x40000590 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_ints_off = 0x4000bda4 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_ints_on = 0x4000bd84 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_l1int_handler = 0x4000048c );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_p_none = 0x4000dbf8 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_restore_intlevel = 0x4000056c );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_return_from_exc = 0x4000dc54 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_exception_handler = 0x40000454 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_interrupt_handler = 0x4000bd70 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_interrupt_handler_arg = 0x4000bd28 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_intlevel = 0x4000dbfc );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_min_intlevel = 0x4000dc18 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_set_vpri = 0x40000574 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_syscall_handler = 0x4000dbe4 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_unhandled_exception = 0x4000dc44 );
PROVIDE ( _xtos_unhandled_interrupt = 0x4000dc3c );
PROVIDE ( aes_decrypt = 0x400092d4 );
PROVIDE ( aes_decrypt_deinit = 0x400092e4 );
PROVIDE ( aes_decrypt_init = 0x40008ea4 );
PROVIDE ( aes_unwrap = 0x40009410 );
PROVIDE ( base64_decode = 0x40009648 );
PROVIDE ( base64_encode = 0x400094fc );
PROVIDE ( bzero = 0x4000de84 );
PROVIDE ( cmd_parse = 0x40000814 );
PROVIDE ( conv_str_decimal = 0x40000b24 );
PROVIDE ( conv_str_hex = 0x40000cb8 );
PROVIDE ( convert_para_str = 0x40000a60 );
PROVIDE ( dtm_get_intr_mask = 0x400026d0 );
PROVIDE ( dtm_params_init = 0x4000269c );
PROVIDE ( dtm_set_intr_mask = 0x400026c8 );
PROVIDE ( dtm_set_params = 0x400026dc );
PROVIDE ( eprintf = 0x40001d14 );
PROVIDE ( eprintf_init_buf = 0x40001cb8 );
PROVIDE ( eprintf_to_host = 0x40001d48 );
PROVIDE ( est_get_printf_buf_remain_len = 0x40002494 );
PROVIDE ( est_reset_printf_buf_len = 0x4000249c );
PROVIDE ( ets_bzero = 0x40002ae8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_char2xdigit = 0x40002b74 );
PROVIDE ( ets_delay_us = 0x40002ecc );
PROVIDE ( ets_enter_sleep = 0x400027b8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_external_printf = 0x40002578 );
PROVIDE ( ets_get_cpu_frequency = 0x40002f0c );
PROVIDE ( ets_getc = 0x40002bcc );
PROVIDE ( ets_install_external_printf = 0x40002450 );
PROVIDE ( ets_install_putc1 = 0x4000242c );
PROVIDE ( ets_install_putc2 = 0x4000248c );
PROVIDE ( ets_install_uart_printf = 0x40002438 );
PROVIDE ( ets_intr_lock = 0x40000f74 );
PROVIDE ( ets_intr_unlock = 0x40000f80 );
PROVIDE ( ets_isr_attach = 0x40000f88 );
PROVIDE ( ets_isr_mask = 0x40000f98 );
PROVIDE ( ets_isr_unmask = 0x40000fa8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_memcmp = 0x400018d4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_memcpy = 0x400018b4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_memmove = 0x400018c4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_memset = 0x400018a4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_post = 0x40000e24 );
PROVIDE ( ets_printf = 0x400024cc );
PROVIDE ( ets_putc = 0x40002be8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_rtc_int_register = 0x40002a40 );
PROVIDE ( ets_run = 0x40000e04 );
PROVIDE ( ets_set_idle_cb = 0x40000dc0 );
PROVIDE ( ets_set_user_start = 0x40000fbc );
PROVIDE ( ets_str2macaddr = 0x40002af8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strcmp = 0x40002aa8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strcpy = 0x40002a88 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strlen = 0x40002ac8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strncmp = 0x40002ab8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strncpy = 0x40002a98 );
PROVIDE ( ets_strstr = 0x40002ad8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_task = 0x40000dd0 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_arm = 0x40002cc4 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_disarm = 0x40002d40 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_done = 0x40002d80 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_handler_isr = 0x40002da8 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_init = 0x40002e68 );
PROVIDE ( ets_timer_setfn = 0x40002c48 );
PROVIDE ( ets_uart_printf = 0x40002544 );
PROVIDE ( ets_update_cpu_frequency = 0x40002f04 );
PROVIDE ( ets_vprintf = 0x40001f00 );
PROVIDE ( ets_wdt_disable = 0x400030f0 );
PROVIDE ( ets_wdt_enable = 0x40002fa0 );
PROVIDE ( ets_wdt_get_mode = 0x40002f34 );
PROVIDE ( ets_wdt_init = 0x40003170 );
PROVIDE ( ets_wdt_restore = 0x40003158 );
PROVIDE ( ets_write_char = 0x40001da0 );
PROVIDE ( get_first_seg = 0x4000091c );
PROVIDE ( gpio_init = 0x40004c50 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_input_get = 0x40004cf0 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_ack = 0x40004dcc );
PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_handler_register = 0x40004e28 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_pending = 0x40004d88 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_intr_test = 0x40004efc );
PROVIDE ( gpio_output_set = 0x40004cd0 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_intr_state_set = 0x40004d90 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_wakeup_disable = 0x40004ed4 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_pin_wakeup_enable = 0x40004e90 );
PROVIDE ( gpio_register_get = 0x40004d5c );
PROVIDE ( gpio_register_set = 0x40004d04 );
PROVIDE ( hmac_md5 = 0x4000a2cc );
PROVIDE ( hmac_md5_vector = 0x4000a160 );
PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1 = 0x4000ba28 );
PROVIDE ( hmac_sha1_vector = 0x4000b8b4 );
PROVIDE ( lldesc_build_chain = 0x40004f40 );
PROVIDE ( lldesc_num2link = 0x40005050 );
PROVIDE ( lldesc_set_owner = 0x4000507c );
PROVIDE ( main = 0x40000fec );
PROVIDE ( md5_vector = 0x400097ac );
PROVIDE ( mem_calloc = 0x40001c2c );
PROVIDE ( mem_free = 0x400019e0 );
PROVIDE ( mem_init = 0x40001998 );
PROVIDE ( mem_malloc = 0x40001b40 );
PROVIDE ( mem_realloc = 0x40001c6c );
PROVIDE ( mem_trim = 0x40001a14 );
PROVIDE ( mem_zalloc = 0x40001c58 );
PROVIDE ( memcmp = 0x4000dea8 );
PROVIDE ( memcpy = 0x4000df48 );
PROVIDE ( memmove = 0x4000e04c );
PROVIDE ( memset = 0x4000e190 );
PROVIDE ( multofup = 0x400031c0 );
PROVIDE ( pbkdf2_sha1 = 0x4000b840 );
PROVIDE ( phy_get_romfuncs = 0x40006b08 );
PROVIDE ( rand = 0x40000600 );
PROVIDE ( rc4_skip = 0x4000dd68 );
PROVIDE ( recv_packet = 0x40003d08 );
PROVIDE ( remove_head_space = 0x40000a04 );
PROVIDE ( rijndaelKeySetupDec = 0x40008dd0 );
PROVIDE ( rijndaelKeySetupEnc = 0x40009300 );
PROVIDE ( rom_abs_temp = 0x400060c0 );
PROVIDE ( rom_ana_inf_gating_en = 0x40006b10 );
PROVIDE ( rom_cal_tos_v50 = 0x40007a28 );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_50_set_channel = 0x40006f84 );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v5_disable_cca = 0x400060d0 );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v5_enable_cca = 0x400060ec );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v5_rx_init = 0x4000711c );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v5_sense_backoff = 0x4000610c );
PROVIDE ( rom_chip_v5_tx_init = 0x4000718c );
PROVIDE ( rom_dc_iq_est = 0x4000615c );
PROVIDE ( rom_en_pwdet = 0x400061b8 );
PROVIDE ( rom_get_bb_atten = 0x40006238 );
PROVIDE ( rom_get_corr_power = 0x40006260 );
PROVIDE ( rom_get_fm_sar_dout = 0x400062dc );
PROVIDE ( rom_get_noisefloor = 0x40006394 );
PROVIDE ( rom_get_power_db = 0x400063b0 );
PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_readReg = 0x40007268 );
PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_readReg_Mask = 0x4000729c );
PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_writeReg = 0x400072d8 );
PROVIDE ( rom_i2c_writeReg_Mask = 0x4000730c );
PROVIDE ( rom_iq_est_disable = 0x40006400 );
PROVIDE ( rom_iq_est_enable = 0x40006430 );
PROVIDE ( rom_linear_to_db = 0x40006484 );
PROVIDE ( rom_mhz2ieee = 0x400065a4 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_dco___SA2 = 0x40007bf0 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_debugmode = 0x4000737c );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_enter_debugmode = 0x40007410 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_exit_debugmode = 0x40007448 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_force_test = 0x4000747c );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_rd = 0x400074d8 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_set_rxgain = 0x4000754c );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_set_txgain = 0x40007610 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_workmode = 0x40007648 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_rx_off = 0x40007688 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_rx_on = 0x400076cc );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_tx_off = 0x400076fc );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_tx_on = 0x40007740 );
PROVIDE ( rom_pbus_xpd_tx_on__low_gain = 0x400077a0 );
PROVIDE ( rom_phy_reset_req = 0x40007804 );
PROVIDE ( rom_restart_cal = 0x4000781c );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_pwrctrl = 0x40007eb4 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_rxiq = 0x4000804c );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_rxiq_set_reg = 0x40008264 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_txcap = 0x40008388 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_txiq = 0x40008610 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_txiq_cover = 0x400088b8 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfcal_txiq_set_reg = 0x40008a70 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfpll_reset = 0x40007868 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rfpll_set_freq = 0x40007968 );
PROVIDE ( rom_rxiq_cover_mg_mp = 0x40008b6c );
PROVIDE ( rom_rxiq_get_mis = 0x40006628 );
PROVIDE ( rom_sar_init = 0x40006738 );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_ana_inf_tx_scale = 0x4000678c );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_channel_freq = 0x40006c50 );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_loopback_gain = 0x400067c8 );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_noise_floor = 0x40006830 );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_rxclk_en = 0x40006550 );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_txbb_atten = 0x40008c6c );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_txclk_en = 0x4000650c );
PROVIDE ( rom_set_txiq_cal = 0x40008d34 );
PROVIDE ( rom_start_noisefloor = 0x40006874 );
PROVIDE ( rom_start_tx_tone = 0x400068b4 );
PROVIDE ( rom_stop_tx_tone = 0x4000698c );
PROVIDE ( rom_tx_mac_disable = 0x40006a98 );
PROVIDE ( rom_tx_mac_enable = 0x40006ad4 );
PROVIDE ( rom_txtone_linear_pwr = 0x40006a1c );
PROVIDE ( rom_write_rfpll_sdm = 0x400078dc );
PROVIDE ( roundup2 = 0x400031b4 );
PROVIDE ( rtc_enter_sleep = 0x40002870 );
PROVIDE ( rtc_get_reset_reason = 0x400025e0 );
PROVIDE ( rtc_intr_handler = 0x400029ec );
PROVIDE ( rtc_set_sleep_mode = 0x40002668 );
PROVIDE ( save_rxbcn_mactime = 0x400027a4 );
PROVIDE ( save_tsf_us = 0x400027ac );
PROVIDE ( send_packet = 0x40003c80 );
PROVIDE ( sha1_prf = 0x4000ba48 );
PROVIDE ( sha1_vector = 0x4000a2ec );
PROVIDE ( sip_alloc_to_host_evt = 0x40005180 );
PROVIDE ( sip_get_ptr = 0x400058a8 );
PROVIDE ( sip_get_state = 0x40005668 );
PROVIDE ( sip_init_attach = 0x4000567c );
PROVIDE ( sip_install_rx_ctrl_cb = 0x4000544c );
PROVIDE ( sip_install_rx_data_cb = 0x4000545c );
PROVIDE ( sip_post = 0x400050fc );
PROVIDE ( sip_post_init = 0x400056c4 );
PROVIDE ( sip_reclaim_from_host_cmd = 0x4000534c );
PROVIDE ( sip_reclaim_tx_data_pkt = 0x400052c0 );
PROVIDE ( sip_send = 0x40005808 );
PROVIDE ( sip_to_host_chain_append = 0x40005864 );
PROVIDE ( sip_to_host_evt_send_done = 0x40005234 );
PROVIDE ( slc_add_credits = 0x400060ac );
PROVIDE ( slc_enable = 0x40005d90 );
PROVIDE ( slc_from_host_chain_fetch = 0x40005f24 );
PROVIDE ( slc_from_host_chain_recycle = 0x40005e94 );
PROVIDE ( slc_init_attach = 0x40005c50 );
PROVIDE ( slc_init_credit = 0x4000608c );
PROVIDE ( slc_pause_from_host = 0x40006014 );
PROVIDE ( slc_reattach = 0x40005c1c );
PROVIDE ( slc_resume_from_host = 0x4000603c );
PROVIDE ( slc_select_tohost_gpio = 0x40005dc0 );
PROVIDE ( slc_select_tohost_gpio_mode = 0x40005db8 );
PROVIDE ( slc_send_to_host_chain = 0x40005de4 );
PROVIDE ( slc_set_host_io_max_window = 0x40006068 );
PROVIDE ( slc_to_host_chain_recycle = 0x40005f10 );
PROVIDE ( software_reset = 0x4000264c );
PROVIDE ( spi_flash_attach = 0x40004644 );
PROVIDE ( srand = 0x400005f0 );
PROVIDE ( strcmp = 0x4000bdc8 );
PROVIDE ( strcpy = 0x4000bec8 );
PROVIDE ( strlen = 0x4000bf4c );
PROVIDE ( strncmp = 0x4000bfa8 );
PROVIDE ( strncpy = 0x4000c0a0 );
PROVIDE ( strstr = 0x4000e1e0 );
PROVIDE ( timer_insert = 0x40002c64 );
PROVIDE ( uartAttach = 0x4000383c );
PROVIDE ( uart_baudrate_detect = 0x40003924 );
PROVIDE ( uart_buff_switch = 0x400038a4 );
PROVIDE ( uart_rx_intr_handler = 0x40003bbc );
PROVIDE ( uart_rx_one_char = 0x40003b8c );
PROVIDE ( uart_rx_one_char_block = 0x40003b64 );
PROVIDE ( uart_rx_readbuff = 0x40003ec8 );
PROVIDE ( uart_tx_one_char = 0x40003b30 );
PROVIDE ( wepkey_128 = 0x4000bc40 );
PROVIDE ( wepkey_64 = 0x4000bb3c );
PROVIDE ( xthal_bcopy = 0x40000688 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_copy123 = 0x4000074c );
PROVIDE ( xthal_get_ccompare = 0x4000dd4c );
PROVIDE ( xthal_get_ccount = 0x4000dd38 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_get_interrupt = 0x4000dd58 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_get_intread = 0x4000dd58 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_memcpy = 0x400006c4 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_set_ccompare = 0x4000dd40 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_set_intclear = 0x4000dd60 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_spill_registers_into_stack_nw = 0x4000e320 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_window_spill = 0x4000e324 );
PROVIDE ( xthal_window_spill_nw = 0x4000e320 );

PROVIDE ( Te0 = 0x3fffccf0 );
PROVIDE ( Td0 = 0x3fffd100 );
PROVIDE ( Td4s = 0x3fffd500);
PROVIDE ( rcons = 0x3fffd0f0);
PROVIDE ( UartDev = 0x3fffde10 );
PROVIDE ( flashchip = 0x3fffc714);

Re: gcc10

PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:50 am
by eriksl
davydnorris wrote:Just had a look at your repo and the local patches dir - how are you getting the local patches for gcc 10 to be applied or don't you need them any more?

No, apparently no patches are required for gcc 10. The gcc 9 which I have been using for some time now, sourced from your repository, also did not have any patches for it, only older versions of gcc. It seems that Max Fillipov (aka jcmvbkbc) has managed to get the required patches for xtensa into gcc upstream. The rest what's specific for lx106 is handled by the "traits" include files from the overlay which have been the same for ages.

davydnorris wrote:I found I had to copy the directory and rename it to the version of newlib/compiler for the patches to be found and applied - perhaps that's not needed any more?

I think so? I couldn't find any patches for gcc 9 either, which I've been using for some time now. But maybe I am missing something here and something should be corrected someway...