Left here for archival purposes.

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By Tae seong
#33406 Yes.
I flash with nodemcu_float_0.9.6-dev_20150704.bin

> =node.info()
0 9 6 14695097 1458400 4096 2 40000000
> =node.heap()
> =node.chipid()
> =node.flashid()

In ESPlorer, these command work well.

while 1 do
gpio.write(0, gpio.HIGH)
tmr.delay(1000000) -- wait 1,000,000 us = 1 second
gpio.write(0, gpio.LOW)
tmr.delay(1000000) -- wait 1,000,000 us = 1 second

I write this code and press <send to ESP> botton
But it is not working

also AP command does not working
like this
> AT

How can I solve it?
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By TerryE
#33493 An infinite tmr.delay() loop with cause a system reset.

AT commands are note supported if you have loaded the nodeMCU firmware.