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By lucasmf0004
#49258 Hi,

It seems that you achived a communication with two ESP8266, I´m trying to send sensor´s information between an ESP8266-01 and an ESP8266-07 but I don´t know how to start, could you give me clue please?
Thank you so much!!

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By Basavanagouda
#52618 Hi,

I tried communicate between two ESP8266. server and client is connecting and server sending data to client.
I have making a packet with 900 bytes. client able to receive only one packet at the server side it sending continuously data(not a packet by packet sends chuck of data). How to resolve this.
I'm using(UART) AT commands to configure the modules.

And I have tested with less bytes (100 bytes in one packet), communication is happening, client is receiving packets. after some packet link is closing. server wont get "SEND OK " reply. some times module will get reset.
how to send data between two modules?

Kindly help me to solve these problems.
PLEASE. :roll:
Thank you
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By ChrisSparks
ChrisSparks wrote:This is what I was exactly looking for. I'll let you know how well it works for me.
Thanks for posting!

Well it doesn't work it seems for me. I don't have an atmega8 (I have a NODEMCU board) so I don't know how to send the server data. All the client is doing is Disconnecting and Reconnecting over and over.
It works great. I was able to run 2 on the same linux VM session. Windows gives me grief.
update 2...
Can a Connection receive data from a server? I see there was a callback for that but I am not see the message on the client side.