b) Doing this in C (if you are now running in nodeMcu) would be a good thing since I think this would be a
thing that a lot of people are going to use for a lot of things[/*]
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function fromJson(MSG)
local hashMap = {}
local i = 1
local j = 1
for val in string.gmatch(MSG,'"%w+":"%w+",') do
hashMap[i] = {}
val = string.gsub(val, '":"', " ")
val = string.gsub(val, '"', "")
val = string.gsub(val, ',', "")
for sval in string.gmatch(val, "%S+") do
hashMap[i][j] = sval;
j = j + 1
j = 1
i = i+1
for val in string.gmatch(MSG,'"%w+":"%w+"}') do
hashMap[i] = {}
val = string.gsub(val, '":"', " ")
val = string.gsub(val, '"', "")
val = string.gsub(val, '}', "")
for sval in string.gmatch(val, "%S+") do
hashMap[i][j] = sval;
j = j + 1
j = 1
i = i+1
return hashMap
function toJson(MAP)
local outMsg = '{'
local i = 1
outMsg = outMsg..'"'..map[i][1]..'":"'..map[i][2]..'",'
i = i + 1
until map[i] == nil
return string.sub(outMsg,0,-2)..'}'
local json = require "cjson"
luaObject = json.decode("{\"json\": \"string\"}");
jsonString = json.encode(luaObject)
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