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Re: Bonjour UDP module detection mDNS

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:35 am
by Mighty Max
It's great to hear, that the demo works for you :-)

I'm busy to complete the user module, which will allow you to provide more then just the IP (Type A RequestResponse) and also to query other devices.
Once this is done and the API is in shape that there will be no changes into the existing function signatures, I will try to get it into the nodemcu git.

As for non-bonjour/mDNS/ZeroConf devices, there is another protocol providing the same features: UPNP. This is supported by windows from stock and afaik there are some UPNP server apps. However i do not know how well this behaves. Generally UPNP seemed to be more complex to implement then bonjour, which is why I have chosen bonjour for the first project.

Re: Bonjour UDP module detection mDNS

PostPosted: Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:30 pm
by AdrianM
Hello Mighty Max, good to see you here... thank you for publishing your blog articles. I've been looking for a guide to coding extra nodemcu modules in C and posted a little bit about your guide in this topic.

I think the Bonjour discovery module would be a great addition to the nodemcu firmware. With the ability to serve web pages on our local networks, a "friendly" way to find the server is almost essential. I've been surprised to see people saying that serving webpages with nodemcu LUA is a misuse of the devices. The performance I've been getting is superior to some commercial embeded servers I have experienced (I'm talking about you Samsung Laser Printer!). Sure the hardware is no match for the typical client browsing the webpages being served - but we can leverage the power of the browser to execute as much javascript as we can squeeze into our flash ;)

Re: Bonjour UDP module detection mDNS

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:31 am
by Mighty Max
I would not go that far to call it misuse. However it is not it's best domain, but i'll do it myself.

The reason in the first place to to bonjour was to be able to provide an easy to remember name for my wife to control the star spangled sky themed lamp. However playing with this i got a ton of new ideas, if only the time was there ;-) i.e. my chromecast eagerly advertises itself via mDNS to the esp8266 ...

Thank you for pointing it out and your correction. I have fixed it in the article :-)
That's what one gets for copy&pasting in a hurry :-D

Re: Bonjour UDP module detection mDNS

PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:06 am
by AdrianM
Hey, the "star spangled sky themed lamp" sounds cool - I hope you'll find time to post more about it.

I wonder what you make of the fact that none of the Android browsers seem to be able to access .local domains even though Chrome on Windows does. There are several "Bonjour aware" network tool Apps that will show the presence of _http._tcp.locals but frustratingly, mostly the authors haven't thought to offer a simple click-through to the IP in a browser.

The only one I found that will is Network Scanner but the ESP is anonymous (Strangers's device? in the App's parlance)which means scanning for port 80 on any likely looking entry. I still haven't figured out where "nicknames" are being read from..?