Left for archival purposes.

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By Mighty Max
#40250 Yes, the support by mobile devices is still somewhat awkward.
I don't have an android device to test it right now. However from the looks of it, firefox for android has some implementation for it. If it's active in the release yet, or when it's planned, i dunno.

But even the IPhone does not complete the demo, as it does not work with the http serving.
But since this is an issue outside of mDNS/bonjour it has no priority yet for me.

For now, I have posted an update to representing the current state of work under http://desperate-programmers.com/2016/0 ... rries-yay/ to include parsing of responses and creation of requests -> querrying of mdns device from nodeMCU.
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By marcelstoer
Vitoa wrote:would be great to implement bonjour protocol to make discovery modules in network very easy.

We've had mDNS in the dev branch for quite some time now: http://nodemcu.readthedocs.org/en/dev/en/modules/mdns/.