- getclient(): Similar to wifi.sta.getap(), returns a table of connected clients with relevant information (IP, MAC, etc.)
- DHCP sub-module: wifi.ap.dhcp
- config(): Table to configure start address, range, DNS, etc.
- reserve(): Allow a reservation to be added/updated
- unreserve(): Remove a reservation
- getreservation(): Returns a table of current DHCP reservations
- MAC Filtering:
- New config() parameter, macfilter (boolean, default false/nil), to toggle feature
- addfilter(): Add MAC filter
- removefilter(): Remove MAC filter
- getfilter(): Returns a table of current MAC filters
There are just some initial thoughts that align with what I'd like to do with the ESP8266. I've done my best to adhere to the "style" of NodeMCU in these suggestions. I'm likely going to poke around the NodeMCU code a bit and see what it would take to implement these.