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Re: nodemcu-httpserver: A generic HTTP Web Server for NodeMC

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 7:30 pm
by xtal
Well-wasted another day trying to get the garage door example to work... :cry:
I've come to the conclusion that the README doc totally sucks, unless you've been working with LUA the last 10 years,
I'm really not sure if that would help....
Its amazing that people spend a lot of time creating and posting , but come way short in delivering a real world
working example, that works 1st try , I just don't understand. :oops:

This httpserver looks very promising, IF I CAN EVER FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE IT......

Re: nodemcu-httpserver: A generic HTTP Web Server for NodeMC

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 8:25 am
by kirsch
xtal wrote:I've come to the conclusion that the README doc totally sucks, unless you've been working with LUA the last 10 years,
I'm really not sure if that would help....

For what it's worth, I wrote the server as my first ever Lua project, and I know that the guy who added HTTP Authentication had never touched Lua before either.

The README does assume you know the basics about NodeMCU, such as uploading files or formatting the file system, and the basics of what an HTTP server is supposed to do.

If you have concrete ideas on how to improve it, or being on GitHub you can do a pull request yourself, that'd be great.

It's very hard to help someone if I don't know what their present skill level is.

Re: nodemcu-httpserver: A generic HTTP Web Server for NodeMC

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:13 am
by xtal
uploading code/ formatting is not the issue! The readme is!

I appreciate the fact that you produced what on the surface appears to be some very promising code, and you posted it so others could use it, but you could have explained how to incorporate the garage door example, other than saying here's 2 files. I'm would think that somewhere in the 8 modules I need to add reference to garage-door-opener.lua/lc and http/garage-door-opener.html.

So why do you want us Newbies to this stuff, to have to re-invent the wheel, when you can so easily supply the answer.

If you think somebody may profit from you work, don't post it :mrgreen:

Personally I learn more from working examples, that way I can easily fall back when I break it, figuring out what I
can and can't do while trying to improve it. Anyway thanks for posting the code, I'll learn what I can
from it.

Re: nodemcu-httpserver: A generic HTTP Web Server for NodeMC

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:15 pm
by forlotto
Yes it can be difficult if you look back on pg1 they talk about some of the odd syntax you have to use do to the file system this helps heaps ;)