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By xtal
slayseb wrote:Hello guys, i'm trying to program my NodeMcu, but found this problem.


And i need to work with decimals numbers, but i can't, the compiler keep rounding them.

please anyone help

NodeMCU FirmWare comes in 2 flavors Integer and Float
Using decimals I would use Float
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By Marcus L
#35384 Hey guys hoping you can help me out.

I have an ESP v07 flashed to NodeMCU and working using the arduino IDE. But its cumbersome to program using the serial monitor so I am hoping to use a different IDE.

I cannot get ESPlorer to communicate with the board. It seems to detect to the serial port fine, but I tried every combination of button options and serial frequencies and I cannot get it to connect. I tried it with and without grounding gpio 00. Any ideas why this is happening?