Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By Marcus L
xtal wrote:Have you removed power and waited 10sec? then reapply power...
I've had hangs where this was the only thing that bailed me out.....

Ive actually had gaps of up to days between attempts... and I did get it to work somehow today but it was voodoo. I got it to talk with Esplorer at 19k baud which is wrong. I was flipping between baud rates and got it to actually complain that it was not getting a reply from the firmware (or something like that). Somehow, it communicated at 19k and worked fine (no gibberish or anything) and I was even able to upload a full lua script and save it on the ESP then run it and it worked... all the shortcut buttons worked as well. On the Arduino IDE it works at 9600... Of course, it only did this once. When I hard powered off the chip and started it back up it stopped working in Esplorer again and I have not gotten it to work since. im starting to suspect an issue with the power supply but why does it work consistently in Arduino IDE? Makes no sense to me.

I ordered a one piece nodemcu chip to try so hopefully it will work better but it is not in the form that I want unfortunately. I would prefer the smaller ESP chips for actual deployment if I should ever decide to use these things for anything.
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By eagle1
#36613 hi,

tried to flash the module with gpio0 to GND, and didn't work. so I removed the GND of gpio0 and flashing worked.

it connects to esplorer, and I can't upload simple blink code.

it says

1. when uploading blink code
> Uploading to ESP file ledblink.lua...Success

2. send command
> dofile("init.lua")
ESP8266 Started not exist

3. run
> dofile('script1.lua')
cannot open script1.lua

4. try to connect after flashing it again
result the esplorer is trying to connect and can't

5. after disabling and enabling DTR and DTS
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318 powered by Lua 5.1.4
lua: cannot open init.lua

6. last upload to blink code
NodeMCU 0.9.5 build 20150318 powered by Lua 5.1.4
lua: cannot open init.lua

I tried to upload the log file and couldn't .. I don't know why?
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#36892 Hi, I was searching for a new IDE for my ESP8266 and ESPlorer really looks nice.
However, like any other IDE I found, it doesn't support connecting via TCP :(
May it be possible to add a TCP connection instead of RS232?
Since a telnet server lua exists since the beginning of nodemcu which mirrors the stdin/out via TCP, I don't get why noone added TCP connection so far...
Would be nice ;)

P.S. the option to use complete CR NL line endings would also be nice
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By ohorn
#37403 Hi there, thx for this tool, works mostly fine for me.
Bug reports in English have been requested here (might be a good idea to switch to a better tool soon).

Minor Bugs in 0.2.0 rc2:

1. if you do this in a script:
Code: Select all-- gpio pins
gpiopin = {[0]=3,[1]=10,[2]=4,[3]=9,[4]=1,[5]=2,[10]=12,[12]=6,[13]=7,[14]=5,[15]=8,[16]=0}
-- set variable
pin = gpiopin[0]

I get "LUA interpreter error detected" while saving.
If I add a blank after the closing bracket "]" in line 4, then everything works just fine...

2. cannot close the "about" window easily.

Hope you can fix these in one of the next releases...