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By Warthog
#5399 When I upload a file with 3kB and 113 lines, I get the follwing results:
9600 baud: 62 seconds
115200 baud: 56 seconds

Tested with NodeMcu 0.9.2 build 20141219 and ESPLuaLoad 0.69.
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By Markus Gritsch
#5404 The limiting factor is not the baud-rate but the time NodeMcu takes to respond after each line transferred. I get quite decent upload times using my Python script using just 115200 baud. Further increasing the baud rate has no huge impact on the upload time.
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By mickey
#7315 Hi
First I wanted to say that lualoader is a great tool and saves me a lot of work.
I wanted to ask , is this tool also gives you the esp output on the app main screen (which isn't working for me for some reason ) or just types the app message and no piping the print commands or status from the esp...