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Re: New Web IDE - ChiliPeppr NodeMCU Workspace

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:53 am
by jlauer
Hmm. I've never heard anyone have to reboot after installing SPJS, but if that did the trick cool. A lot of folks use SPJS in the CNC world, so it's had a decent amount of debugging, but its not perfect.

Upload->Run is just for the active Lua editor tab. I suppose for a file drag/drop somebody would have to add drop functionality to the NodeMCU Files widget. That wouldn't be too hard actually. Are you up for forking it and giving it a try? There's a video on the ChiliPeppr homepage that shows how easy it is to fork and tweak a widget. Since I've only written Lua inside this workspace, I've never had a need for bringing in external files. If you watch my video you'll see how my workflow is going.

As for showing the existing files, it is supposed to do that. Could you perhaps grab a screenshot and show me how it's executing the code? Maybe I need to tweak the file listing code.

AdrianM wrote:Just giving your ChilliPeppr hardware fiddle a spin... big thanks for sharing.
in case it helps others, I had to re-boot after installing the Serial Port JSON Server before it would work. Nice application for this platform although there's a few issues I'm having - for example Upload>Run doesn't do what I expected i.e. allow me to browse to a .LUA file on my HD. Not sure how I would load previously prepared scripts... also, hitting Refresh on NodeMCU Files doesn't show the files already in the device (although the script appears in the serial port console).

Re: New Web IDE - ChiliPeppr NodeMCU Workspace

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:05 pm
by AdrianM
My left hand panel looks a little different to yours:
Screenshot 2016-02-20 17.01.01.png

No serial data appears there, even if I just enter a command or click a preset button.

Re: New Web IDE - ChiliPeppr NodeMCU Workspace

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:11 pm
by jlauer
That green checkbox means SPJS never got back any final response from the ESP8266, so it's stalled. You need to hit the "reset" button. SPJS looks for a "> " back from ESP8266 to know it can send the next serial command. The yellow checkboxes mean that serial command is waiting the buffer. So your file list code is never executed.

Make sure when you reset the NodeMCU that you see the boot info. Maybe watch my video again and see how I describe all that. I do think the buffer in SPJS could possibly get tweaked to better track if a line got executed or better yet, maybe just force a line to execute after 1 second of not seeing any "> " back from ESP8266.

For now, I just keep resetting the NodeMCU and that does the trick. I've done massive development effectively this way.

Re: New Web IDE - ChiliPeppr NodeMCU Workspace

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:37 pm
by AdrianM
jlauer wrote:That green checkbox means SPJS never got back any final response from the ESP8266, so it's stalled

Yeah, SPJS really doesn't seem to like my system. I got the replies after a hard-reset for a few seconds then it latched up again. I think I need to investigate SPJS. Right now it's disconnected and refusing to reconnect - it looks like the service has stopped altogether. Maybe another re-boot.

The IDE is cool though. I've been using ESPlorer for a while and can confirm that it's hard on the eyes on a 4K display. My worfkflow has been pretty slick though - editing LUA with Brackets and uploading at 921600 (nearly instantaneous!) in fact so fast, I can usually "get in" a new upload if Panic breaks out :D Having experienced a near instant edit>upload>execute cycle makes my heart sink whenever I need to fall back into the Arduino IDE.