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New NodeMCU file uploader tool and TTY interface.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 11:56 pm
by athompson673
This has been a side project of mine while I mess around with NodeMCU for quite some time now. It's honestly not even polished enough for an official repo, but I thought I'd share with the community (if someone was excited enough to make it an actual project, I'd be thrilled).

You can drag and drop files onto the window to upload, and it can save files back from spiffs to a local file or multiple files to a folder. Some actions will automatically trigger the program to refresh the list of files into the window, but sometimes you have to manually refresh with the "list files" button. The Shell attempts to improve on what I could find in putty / any other tty alternatives. It has line history with the up and down buttons, and (super jank (don'tevenlookatthecode)) code completion.

To get started, call "python NodeApp.zip" from a terminal or command prompt (if python3 is not your default python, call python3). Once you've got the window up you can select any serial ports with the "connect" menu, and if you get a "# Sync Successful #" message. This indicates that python successfully sent a simple message and got back what it was expecting. There is unfortunately no obvious signal when the connection is interrupted, but the capability is there, and it's generally easy enough to know when you unplug the chip. Some of the functions (read: hardcoded lua commands) probably require a fairly recent build of the firmware, so there might be errors there. The Logger window was something I created specifically to make debugging the application easier as I wrote it. If you start hacking the program it may save you some heartache.

There are about a million #TODO's left, but I find as it has more and more functionality, I stop developing it and just use it. It's probably python 3.6+ (I'm working on 3.7 rn) and depends on PyQt5(version 5.11-12?), and pySerial which should both come with most fully featured python distributions (I use anaconda). There is an optional dependency natsort, for natural language file sorting in the file window which you can get via pip. Hopefully this program actually makes at least a few people's lives easier rather than more effort xD.