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By AdrianM
#37703 Just here looking for productivity tips and I'd like to check I'm on the right tracks...

- The Upload button appears to use a different mechanism (not line by line) and appears to be very fast (especially if if max. baudrate 921600 selected).

My workflow (after Unchecking "AutoSave file to ESP after save to disk"): Edit script, Ctrl+S, Upload (Alt+U seems not to work?) then Run (Alt+D) . Seems to work OK, why would I not want to use this?
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By lorenz12
devsaurus wrote:I can confirm this observation as well. Since the same symptoms are also visible when uploading with nodemcu-uploader, I'd suspect that it's an issue in the firmware - not in ESPlorer.
lorenz12 please open an issue at with your findings.

Thanks for the support. I found out that this problem is gone if I flash with the old public version:
Only my newer customized version based on SDK1.4.0 show this problem.
I never used any SDK version in between.

I will open the issue in the nodemcu-firmware.

Many thanks, happy new year 2016.
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By lorenz12
lorenz12 wrote:
devsaurus wrote:I can confirm this observation as well. Since the same symptoms are also visible when uploading with nodemcu-uploader, I'd suspect that it's an issue in the firmware - not in ESPlorer.
lorenz12 please open an issue at with your findings.

Thanks for the support. I found out that this problem is gone if I flash with the old public version:
Only my newer customized version based on SDK1.4.0 show this problem.
I never used any SDK version in between.

I will open the issue in the nodemcu-firmware.

Many thanks, happy new year 2016.
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By chathurangawijetunge
#37847 i=0
tmr.alarm(0,500, 1, function()"info.lua","w+")
w = file.writeline

this loop get stuck after serten number of times