Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By AndyNodeMCU
#64460 Hi there, I downloaded an app to my nodeMCU a few months ago. Since then I appear to have lost the lua source code from my laptop.

Is it possible to transfer the code which is running on the nodeMCU back to the ESPlorer IDE as I need to make a modification?
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By marcelstoer
#64545 You could run file.list() to figure out what files you've got on the module, it'll yield init.lua at least I'd expect. Then you can either print the content of each file to console with or you can download each file to your laptop. Not sure if ESPlorer can do that but I know that NodeMCU-Tool can.
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By alex_g
AndyNodeMCU wrote:Is it possible to transfer the code which is running on the nodeMCU back to the ESPlorer IDE as I need to make a modification?

Sure, it's easy.
Load up ESPlorer; Click on the "Reload" button on the right panel (blue cyclic arrows, third down, beneath "Format" and "FSInfo"). Buttons will appear for each file on the chip. Right click on them for several options, including, Edit, Save, etc...
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By marcelstoer
alex_g wrote:Click on the "Reload" button on the right panel (blue cyclic arrows, third down, beneath "Format" and "FSInfo").

Oh, true, but that requires View -> Show FileManager ... to be enabled.