Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By faramon
marcelstoer wrote:With the NodeMCU firmware you flash the firmware (includes SDK) and copy the Lua files.

With Arduino you build SDK, Arduino layer and your own code into a single binary that is flashed. The Arduino IDE takes care of everything. No need to separately flash an Arduino "firmware" or so.

Thanx for that, it is clear now.
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By Gerard8266
#85588 I am looking for the latest Esplorer software. The ru site seems dead. I got the message below.
Warning: opendir(/var/www/main/data/www/ failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /var/www/web/sites/ on line 378
Where can i find the correct software?

Thanks in advance.

Gerard. ( new to esp8266. happy to learn)