Current Lua downloadable firmware will be posted here

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By GeoNomad
alonewolfx2 wrote:
sancho wrote:I do not want to spam this thread :(
I tested the telnet from the wiki example and when I printed something using tmr.alarm, it printed nowhere.
Maybe I'll retry with the new firmware version.
Did someone update the lua uploader to work with telnet? If not, I can try...

I am developing lua console on the wifi. You can post in this link. Please continue with

When tmr.alarm doesn't do what I expect, I find that I have always entered it wrong.

tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )


tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 1, print("hello world") )

but I am totally new to Lua and these kinds of things are not intuitive to me...

If you use tmr.alarm inside a function to call itself after a delay using the second syntax, it will alarm immediately instead of waiting...
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By zeroday
#5189 Change log:
    Important Re-arrange GPIO MAP due to development kit.


    Add bitwise operation module.
    Modify net.socket:connect() api to accept domain name, auto DNS.
    Add firmware for flash size 1Mbytes, 2Mbytes, 4Mbytes.
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By sej7278
#5211 how do we upgrade this to use the 0.9.3 sdk?

i'm not sure if that offers us anything useful, but just seems to me we're at the mercy of one guy to provide updates as we don't have the source.