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By picstart
#6484 OK,
When a lua file loads it takes up some of the the heap sets some maximum size on the lau code. Now flash is 512K to 4M.
Does a 4M flash mean more heap space or does the heap only exist in RAM?
What is mostly gained with a larger it just firmware space or is it more than that?
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By alonewolfx2
picstart wrote:OK,
When a lua file loads it takes up some of the the heap sets some maximum size on the lau code. Now flash is 512K to 4M.
Does a 4M flash mean more heap space or does the heap only exist in RAM?
What is mostly gained with a larger it just firmware space or is it more than that?

Heap mean free ram memory and it's inside the chip. This means flash size matter for firmware and file storage space. Not heap sizes.
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By picstart
#6497 Well,
Heap size is often going to be the limiting issue. Now when the lua code is for a server it may require a html form with many lines. If fixed at compile time strings go into ram then heap is consumed.
With some cpu's constants can go into program flash.
Is there way with lua to do something similar and reduce the demand on the heap?