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By cocojackr42
#7073 I know there are several tutorials how to set up the environment.
The problem is, it seems I'm just too stupid to set the whole thing up.
Can someone whose setup works put this into a vm and upload it?

Best would be an environment with eclipse where you can build the nodemcu frimware.

lg Coco
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By sej7278
Fr4gg0r wrote:
No eclipse, but it's super easy to setup.

yup, this post shows how to do it and its even easier now - basically git clone esp-open-sdk, make, add to $PATH, git clone nodemcu-firmware, make && make flash

if the op can't do that then there's no way s/he's going to cope with programming a microcontroller. i don't even see the need for eclipse, most of the time you're just going to be writing lua scripts, you don't really need to recompile the firmware very often.

also someone has created ubuntu packages here