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By whendonkiesfly
#61231 I found an issue and was wondering if other people have the same issue. I have found that if I have the device in STATIONAP mode and have it connect to another access point, connection to it through its own access point seems to go down. It seems to come back up, but can take several minutes. Resetting the device fixes the connection. I'm not sure if its my TCP server instance which is going down or the entire connection. My laptop does not lose Wifi connection to the ESP access point during this time. Has anyone else seen this?
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By whendonkiesfly
#61248 For anyone interested or having a similar issue, I found the problem. According to this post on espressif's website, the issue is from the Wifi radio having to switch channels when connecting to an access point. At this point, my connection to the ESP dies because it is forced into the new channel.