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By spy king
#9872 Heya,

I am trying to make a simple controller that can be controlled over net (mobile/browser) .

As per suggestions, I would like to use a simple TCP server. I am pretty much a newb with Lua, so pointers would be appreciated!

Right now, I have managed to get it working from Putty, but after one command, the connection seems to close. The next stage would be to make a simple android button/widget for it.

This is what I have - how can I have some kind of basic access control(user/pass?)
Code: Select all     outpin=4
if string.find(payload,"ON") then
   conn:send("Is it On?\n")
   elseif string.find(payload,"OFF") then
   conn:send("Is it Off?\n")

Also, what is the suggested editor for LUa? I am using wordpad now, and it's a bit tedious.
