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Watchdog not doing it's job - what other options?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:24 pm
by timg11
I've created a simple Internet synchronized clock based on this article.

As a clock, it is best to have it run unattended for long periods of time.
To help ensure recovery from software issues, I added the software watchdog, based on this doc:

Code: Select all...snip----
tmr.softwd(-1)   -- reset watchdog
tmr.softwd(500)     -- re-enable SW watchdog at 500 seconds  (should be executing this code every 300 seconds)
conn=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)  -- connect to web to get time

This bit of code gets executed every 300 seconds. I reset and then re-enable the watchdog for 500 seconds.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. I find the clock has failed with a blank display (not frozen) randomly after 2 to 5 days.

Is there a different way to approach the watchdog function? I understand there is a hardware watchdog function too, that can reset the ESP8266. Can I debug why that is not kicking in and resetting the clock?