I've recently acquired a NodeMCU V2 from seeed and following an attempt to flash the firmware from here:
onto the node I am not getting any response. I have also tried to reset it by flashing the code from here:
This is the process I used for flashing on linux can you let me know if I did anything wrong?
1. cd pre_build/latest
2. Hold down flash on the NodeMCU V2 and plug in.
3. esptool.py write_flash 0x00000 nodemcu_latest.bin (sudo doesn't help)
4. Reset button
When connecting to the serial I get something along the lines of:
" �n?�$ !��A_'U��I"
and no other response.
I have also tried building the firmware using the sdk from:
which took a really long time and produced the same results.
I have also tried the latest integer version from:
https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firm ... v_20150406
and produced the same results.
What am I missing?
Thank you.