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By flagtrax
#47420 Using Esplorer if you simply click the "list file" button,(under the command tab) it lists all files uploaded. I'm not exactly sure what /how it is sent, but here is a log output:
FileManager: Starting...
sending: _dir=function() local k,v,l print("~~~File ".."list START~~~") for k,v in pairs(file.list()) do l = string.format("%-15s",k) print(l.." : "..v.." bytes") end print("~~~File ".."list END~~~") end _dir() _dir=nil

FileManager: File list found! Do parsing...
FileManager found file init.lua
FileManager: File list parsing done, found 1 file(s).
sending:r,u,t=file.fsinfo() print("Total : "..t.." bytes\r\nUsed : "..u.." bytes\r\nRemain: "..r.." bytes\r\n") r=nil u=nil t=nil<CR><LF>

There are also buttons for Chip ID, Heap, flash ID, and chip info which lists nodeMcu ver. , chip ID, flash ID, flash size, flash mode, flash speed in that order.