- Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:41 am
If you don't have an arduinon with multiple hardware serial ports, you need to use softwareserial, and should keep your baud rate at 19200 or less in that case.
In either case, whether using hardware or software serial, you need to connect ESP's RX to Arduino's TX, and ESP's TX to Arduino's RX pins.
If it's hooked up correctly, and you're fairly certain the code is correct, it's probably a baud rate issue you're running into. The easiest way to determine what baud rate the ESP is set to, that I've found, is to hook it up directly to the serial connection, without trying to run a sketch, and open up the serial monitor, change the baud rate until it either responds to AT commands, or hitting the reset pin with a jumper to ground doesn't produce
only garbage chars.
It's a pretty cool little module, but it can be very frustrating to work with.. keep at it, you'll get it