Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By xtal
#50362 Just installed Arduino 1.6.9 , it appears to work but seems to be very very SLOW compiling...

using esp8266-2.3.0
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By picstart
#50364 Many have noticed the slow down. Prior versions probably saved previously compiled components that did not change and linked them without recompiling. It is the second and subsequent compiles of the latest version that are slow by comparison.
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By xtal
#50372 Also discovered that when I open my SKETCH folder, withinin Arduino, that if I try to paste another file into the folder, the app freezes, this must be a new feature, I haven't had this occurr before. To unfreeze the app
you must use task manager to unfreeze, by terminating a java app.
Is Arduino 1.6.9 written/using in Java?
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By mrburnette
xtal wrote:<...>
Is Arduino 1.6.9 written/using in Java?

Oh, yes. Arduino is "cross-platform" because it uses Java.
I use Linux Mint 17.3 and the latest 1.6.9 ArduinoIDE and have not had any issues with lock-ups... just saying.
