Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By edwin
#58461 I have weird problem not sure if this is the right place but all seemed to be related to OTA on ESP8266.
Have OTA working under Windows, but didnt work yet under Linux Mint.
Anyway, OTA instructions say 'need Pyhon2.7'and that is what did the trick under Windows.
So, i downlaoad and unpack Python2.7 on my Linux machine. I start IDE... nothing, absolutely nothing. wont start, no error message, nothing. Version 1.6.8 to 1.6.12, all dead, no error message, it just wont start.
Re-install 1.6.12... same issue. I remove the unpacked Pythonfolder, restart, no avail.
Hesitant to do an apt-get uninstall of Python as Linux to some extend needs Python too.
oddly, when I did an apt-get install arduino, I got an old IDE that has no problems running.
Lack of errormessages got me in the dark of where to look
Anybody any ideas?