Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By gambituk
Rephrasing, please fill in the gap :) : as of May 19th 2015, USB-to-serial adapters without RTS/DTR lines should use ________ .
<- this new method!

For me, i have a cheap usb to serial adapter with just the basic tx rx and vcc and gnd, i have installed 1.6.4 , and the rest as described as above and on the git readme, and i have NO PROBLEMS. it works with sketches that werent working with 1.6.3 and the hardware folder method. i am not sure exactly the impact of what ozayturay is mentioning but this just works. Its by far the simplest method thats been practiced since the arduino ide and esp were put together!.
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By sej7278
#17881 as far as the arduino boards manager setup goes, does anyone know a way of changing the directory where its all stored, as i'm not happy having 600mb of files and especially compilers etc. in a hidden subdirectory of $HOME - also not very scalable on a multi-user system.

i have the same gripe with the arduino sam setup. there must be a way to specify where to put things?