Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By dannybackx
#36592 Hey,

I read that gdb-remote is supported with the 2.0.0 version of esp8266-arduino.

Do we have a small tutorial for this ?

Questions I ask myself :
- I have a NodeMCU dev board, and use the USB connection to see debug output via Serial.print.
Supposedly that connection is needed for the gdb communication so I probably need to remove
those Serial.print statements. Other things I should do ?
- Is this gdb-remote like on other platforms ? Can you inspect variables, single step, ... ?
- I use the Arduino IDE. When the "Serial monitor" is active, the gdb command to connect to
a remote session fails. Stopping the serial monitor does make it possible to attach, but
what should I do first ? Attach with gdb and then upload a sketch ? The other way around ?

