i'm beginner i'm going to build a Weather Station on ESP8266-07..( i will flash it by USB to TTL ) ...i will add those Components :
BMP280+DHT22(with board have resistor)+GPS ublox-6m+SD card logger+ 2 slide switch button + 2 Led
Maybe i will add Rain Water Level Sensor T1592 P
first slide switch button + Red led: = ON/Off button (just wake up the component )
Second slide switch Button+Blue Led = Manuel button to send data to the Computer
==> I just having promblems how to connect all of this on the ESP8266-07 ..does i need to extend the GPIO by adding PCF8574 or not necessary ? and does i need some resistors ? if yes where i will add them ? and does ESP8266-07 can work without arduino shild or auther microcontolleur or what ???
and thanks