I have connected an Arduino Nano which gather data from sensors that will be transmitted to the Internet usign an ESP-01 module.
I have connected crossed RX to TX and TX to RX, ground, vcc and enable HIGH no resistor (3.3v).
On the Arduino side I use serial.print to send information
On the ESP-01 i put on an Arduino Sketch to read that information (Serial.readString) to send to a http post.
I cannot make it wotk, i am now trying to reset the ESP-01 to its factory state, have donwloaded the firmware and hopefully save to it, but i have not access AT commands, it has an Arduino sketch, if i put blank one did not work.
So my questions are:
1) How can i reset an ESP-01 to its factory default?
2) Using Arduino sketches on both sides am i doing right? what could be my problem?