Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By Antori91
#76169 Hello,

I posted on Github (https://github.com/Antori91/Home_Automation) the ESP8266 code of my own home automation application which manages temperature sensors, electric heaters (on/off based on schedule, energy monitoring, ...), hot water tank and lighting. Peripherals/actuators I use are only ESP8266 boards. The central server is based on Domoticz software. ESP8266 boards and Domoticz talk to each other mainly via MQTT. A self-monitoring is also implemented and if failure is detected (ESP8266 board, temp sensor, ..) emails and/or sms are sent.

My Github repository README.md file provides links to the Domoticz forum where more details are provided about the implemented features.