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Looking for a complex HTTP server example sketch

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:35 am
by Boyan Djumakov
Hi all,
I just got all running on the ESP-Arduino IDE and I will try to stick to it as I'm not good in C to use native compilers and etc. All is great and would save me tons of work.
My tiny project would require a small web server to be started at first run and it would have several pages. Making it "the Arduino way" as per the example, putting all page content inside strings would be a huge overkill (is there another way?).
I saw the esp-httpd/esp-nginx and liked the smal esp-filesystem they upload to the chip flash. Can this be done in an arduino sketch? Like creating a small esp-fs where we would put the files that http server would serve?
So far I saw only Arduino servers that read the files from the SD card on the LAN shield, which is useless in the case of ESP-Arduino.
May be there is a way to use esp-httpd as a library in Arduino IDE?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
P.S.: A fallback would be nodeMCU but I heard a lot of instability goes there, is that true and to what degree?