Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By Mikejstb
#19059 Here's my chopped up code.
I left a few commented serial.prints in there in case debugging is required
I had to tack a ".txt" to the end of the filename in order to get it to upload.

Also note that I use gpio 12 & 14 for my display i2c pins

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By danbicks
#19094 Mike,

Well done buddy I like the tweaks :)

Maybe on the 1.3" OLED RSSI could be displayed also, that would be nice. Alternatively the last few characters of each AP could be truncated and RSSI value display'd on 0.96" I might tinker with this when I have finished my MQTT OLED project.

Good work mate.

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By dylan1024
#19153 Hi Dan

I have just run your code on an ESP03 without any major hickups.

I am rather new to this and would like to ask if someone could explain the program flow to me. i would like to modify this to work on a 128x32 OLED that i have. would i need to create a new font?
